Body order number 186

Body Owner Information
Body Owner: Brian B

(Note: if you have any private questions or comments about a certain body, please reply to the owner at the above address. Otherwise, please use the Virtual Concrete public comments page.)

Basic Body Information
Body Name:John Worfin
Age: 38Pl
Sexual Preference:bisexual
Head Texture:Cloudy
Torso Texture:Concrete
Arm Texture:Glass
Leg Texture:Water

Body Parts Desired
Head:Eyes: yes

Ears: yes

Mouth: yes

Teeth: yes
Torso: Breasts: small
Abs: none
Overall: medium
Pregnant: no
Limb Exchange:none

Body considered as

    Brian B's alter (cyber) self

Special Handling Instructions / Body Description

    Please, Don't provoke The Insanity. I might seem rather normal to you, but I am not. I can only observe what there is to see around me, but lack the emotions to fully participate. Actually, that's not true. I have the emotions, but they are inexorably intertwined with my affliction, my Insanity. The Insanity is an entirely chaotic part of me, and hard to control. I must be ever vigilant against The Insanity, for both my sake and the sake of others around me. Have you ever been driving with someone on the highway, in the right lane, and they pass an off-ramp that you know is the wrong off ramp to take, and you know this, but you still have to work to supress the urge to grab the wheel and take your car off onto that wrong ramp? No? Then you have yet to know The Insanity. Time grows short. I must not let The Insanity out, but neither can I simply destroy it outright, for to do so would mean to destroy myself utterly. My sane mind is always at war with The Insanity, and I have almost maintained a stalemate. Such is not to be my destiny, however. The Insanity has been gaining ground in the war, ever so slowly, and in the process it becomes stronger. It is only a matter of time before I succumb completely, but I hope that time is far off.


    VERY interesting concept!

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