Body order number 2658

Body Owner Information
Body Owner: Ric Morgan

(Note: if you have any private questions or comments about a certain body, please reply to the owner at the above address. Otherwise, please use the Virtual Concrete public comments page.)

Basic Body Information
Body Name:Andy Walks
Age: 18
Sexual Preference:bisexual
Head Texture:Glass
Torso Texture:Water
Arm Texture:Cloudy
Leg Texture:Wood

Body Parts Desired
Head:Eyes: yes

Ears: yes

Mouth: yes

Teeth: yes
Torso: Breasts: large
Abs: cut
Overall: large
Pregnant: no
Limb Exchange:none

Body considered as

    Ric Morgan's Spiritual self

Special Handling Instructions / Body Description

    Does not handle fools well, so keep your distance if you do foolish things. Spiritually and intellectually thinker... No-Limits. Easily angered, especially by stupid people. Quiet. Smiles knowingly. Would be considerd by many standoffish, but likes to avoid idle, meaningless conversation. Understands his limits, but occasionally tries to exceed them. Is warm, caring, and kind, but does not always show, since he feel too much compassion is a sign of irresponsibility; people should take responsibility for their actions and words, and feelings. Loves both men and women equally, and relishes the time he can spend with each, being his tendency to be a self-imposed loner. Money is meaningless except as a means to an end. Actions speak louder than words, and his life reflects that. Enjoys all types of music, art and literature, but has little patience for bad performance. Considers theater and movies an enjoyable way to waste some time, but doesn't take them too seriously.



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