Body order number 3110

Body Owner Information
Body Owner: Fred Douglas

(Note: if you have any private questions or comments about a certain body, please reply to the owner at the above address. Otherwise, please use the Virtual Concrete public comments page.)

Basic Body Information
Body Name:Party Doll
Age: 17
Sexual Preference:heterosexual
Head Texture:Blue Plastic
Torso Texture:Blue Plastic
Arm Texture:Lava
Leg Texture:Lava

Body Parts Desired
Head:Eyes: no

Ears: yes

Mouth: no

Teeth: no
Torso: Breasts: large
Abs: flat
Overall: medium
Pregnant: yes
Limb Exchange:none

Body considered as

    Fred Douglas's desired sexual partner

Special Handling Instructions / Body Description



    If deflated, please inflate: Place lips around nipple of one breast.

    Proceed to blow air into breast. If you notice air exiting ears,

    you have a blonde body. Return to your party doll dealer

    for a brunette or a red hair. If doll has green hair, please remove Birkenstocks

    and ring from nose.

    After party doll is properly inflated, place lips around nipples on

    other breast. This procedure will not accomplish anything, but what

    the hell, it is good for a cheap thrill.

    Next, grab the doll's bootie. Whisper in her ear.

    You may decide to yell in her ear, which is permissible because

    she is only a plastic doll.

    Finally, jump off a bridge (refer to "Ode to Billie Joe") because

    your life is pathetic if the only lay you can get is

    a party doll that Bud Bundy would turn down.

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