Body order number 3362

Body Owner Information
Body Owner: Stephanie Wilson

(Note: if you have any private questions or comments about a certain body, please reply to the owner at the above address. Otherwise, please use the Virtual Concrete public comments page.)

Basic Body Information
Body Name:Twinkle Toes
Age: 25
Sexual Preference:bisexual
Head Texture:Blue Plastic
Torso Texture:Chocolate
Arm Texture:Black Rubber
Leg Texture:Concrete

Body Parts Desired
Head:Eyes: yes

Ears: yes

Mouth: yes

Teeth: yes
Torso: Breasts: medium
Abs: flat
Overall: medium
Pregnant: no
Limb Exchange:none

Body considered as

    Stephanie Wilson's I am a mad scientist

Special Handling Instructions / Body Description

    Wash regularly in warm water, tumble dry low. Do add bleach. Do not subject to direct sunlight; warping may occur. And never, ever, no matter how much she begs, never EVER feed her after midnight. warping may occur.


    This is absolutely fabulous, darlings. Whatever

    you're doing there--keep it up. You're such

    innovative persons!

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