Body order number 4328

Body Owner Information
Body Owner: Andrew William Elvish

(Note: if you have any private questions or comments about a certain body, please reply to the owner at the above address. Otherwise, please use the Virtual Concrete public comments page.)

Basic Body Information
Body Name:Orestes
Age: 24
Sexual Preference:homosexual
Head Texture:Blue Plastic
Torso Texture:Glass
Arm Texture:Blue Plastic
Leg Texture:Black Rubber

Body Parts Desired
Head:Eyes: yes

Ears: yes

Mouth: yes

Teeth: yes
Torso: Breasts: medium
Abs: cut
Overall: large
Pregnant: no
Limb Exchange:none

Body considered as

    Andrew William Elvish's my future-perfect vision of sexual wisdom in castrating form. A bubble-licious love machine!

Special Handling Instructions / Body Description

    This body is a prototype consumer and will only eat my new product "TOONUH"* [a fish product]. Orestes has an insatiable sex drive and is a Bakhtin scholar - and, between consuming my new fish product, will help me finish my Master's thesis on body fragments. Orestes must listen to cha cha music constantly.




    An Airport for future music.

    [And Fun Fur]

    Toonuh* samwiches and strong martinis.

    You are all wonderful.

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